School Health

Welcome to Clinton City Schools School Health!
General Information
Healthy Children Are Better Learners
Clinton City Schools provide a school nurse as a resource person in caring for student and staff health needs during the school day. A nurse may be assigned to several schools and makes visits to the assigned schools during the week.
In order to best care for children during the school day the school nurse must be aware of the health concerns that exist. Parents are asked to complete an Annual Health Status Form when they enroll their child in school and at the beginning of each school year. Please contact the school nurse any time during the year when there are changes or newly developed health conditions. The school nurse uses the information from the Annual Health Status Form to identify which students need Care Plans/Emergency Action Plans during the school year. Communication is the key to making sure student's health needs are met during the school day. Remember- Healthy Children Learn Better!
Medications During School
-A parent is welcome to come to school and give medication(s) to his/her child.
-If it is necessary for your child to receive medication at school, a copy of a Medication Form can be obtained from your school. -This form must be completed by the child's doctor and signed by the parent.
-A Medication Form must be completed by the physician for both prescription and non-prescription drugs. Prescription
medicines must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle that contains instructions on how and when the medication is
to be administered. Nonprescription drugs must be received in the original container and will be administered according to the
doctor's written instructions.
-Parents may wish to discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule for administering medication (e.g. outside of school hours)
-Clinton City Schools assumes no responsibility for the student who self-medicates.
Healthy Children Are Better Learners. To make this a reality school nurses:
-Identify students with health needs and develop a plan of care with the parents. This written plan is shared with the student's
teachers and will help them to care for the student's health condition during the school day and in case of an emergency.
-Work with parents, teachers and health care providers to prevent health problems from becoming reasons for poor school
-Provide emergency care of illness and injury.
-Provide training and supervision of school personnel in the proper administration of medications and treatments.
-Ensure proper immunization of all students in accordance with North Carolina law.
-Try to decrease contagious illness by excluding students from school with signs of disease or illness that can be spread.
-Perform periodic health assessment of students. For example: health, vision and hearing screenings.
-Provide health promotion programs for students and staff.
-Serve as a resource to teachers and staff.
-Assist in developing and reviewing health related policies, goals and objectives for Clinton City Schools.
-Provide staff training and surveillance to meet government requirements for blood borne pathogens.
Immunization Information for School Attendance
In accordance with North Carolina Law, all students are required to provide written proof of having received all necessary immunization when enrolling in school. If not in compliance, the student will have 30 calendar days to meet the requirements. If the requirements are not fulfilled, the student will be suspended from school until they are in compliance. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide this information (not the transferring school for those whose children are transferring into Clinton City Schools).
Follow this link for a complete listing of immunization requirements and recommendations.
Vaccine Requirement (Tdap) For Students Entering 6th Grade
Effective January 1, 2008, the administrative rule, 10ANCAC 41A.0401, has been change, adding requirement for one booster dose of Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) vaccine to be given to individuals attending public school who are entering sixth grade on or after August 1, 2008, if 5 or more years have passed since the last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine. A Certificate of Immunization must be presented to the student’s school to show proof of vaccination for Tdap prior to the first day of 6th grade. If proof of vaccination is not provided by the end of the 30 calendar day period, the child will be suspended from school until he/she provides proof of immunization.
It is the responsibility of the parent to provide proof of immunization to the school nurse.
New Vaccines and Recommendations
Several newer vaccines are available now. The North Carolina legislature passed laws covering 2 vaccines- the meningitis vaccine and the HPV vaccine. At this time these vaccines are not required for school entry.
Garrett’s Law (Senate Bill 444) - Meningococcal Meningitis and Influenza
An Act to ensure that educational materials are provided so that schools provide information to parents and guardians concerning meningococcal meningitis and influenza and their vaccines.
Complete information on this bill is available by clicking here
For more information on meningitis and flu follow this link
Senate Bill 260- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
An Act to ensure that educational materials are provided so that schools provide information to parents and guardians concerning cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia, human papillomavirus (HPV), and the vaccines available to prevent these diseases.
Complete information on this bill is available by clicking here
For more information on the immunization against HPV available follow this link
Additional information on HPV is available from the Center for Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control
Chef Solus Nutrition Education
Eat Smart Move More
Elementary Energizers
Flu Concerns
General Health Tips for Students
Middle School Energizers
My Plate
North Carolina Immunization Information
Why should I get the flu vaccine
Consumer Notice