Gifted Advisory Council
The Clinton City Schools Gifted Advisory Council membership represents schools, businesses and the community at large. The Council strives for diversity among its members. In addition to members of the Council, a liaison representing each school in the system ensures a direct communication link between the and school. This Council is charged with the following:
Monitor the timely and accurate implementation of all components of the AIG Program
Advocate and communicate with businesses and the community at large
Advise and make recommendations to Clinton City Schools' Board of Education with respect to the improvement of gifted education.
If you are interested in serving on the Gifted Advisory Council, please contact Dr. Theresa Melenas at 910-592-3132 x 1928
2023-2024 AIG Advisory Council Meeting Dates
September 11, 2023 (SMS Media Center )
January 22, 2024 (SAS Media Center)
April 22, 2024 (CHS Media Center)
All meetings begin at 5:30pm